
Russian institutions
Russian language
All items published on the Russian language version of the Kremlin’s website

Giorgio Comai


March 13, 2023


This is an early release of the dataset. Only limited quality checks have been conducted, so if you intend to use it, make sure it is fit for purpose.

A full release in a proper data repository with better documentation is forthcoming.

Dataset name: kremlin.ru_ru

Dataset description: all items published on the Russian language version of the Kremlin’s website

Start date: 1999-12-31

End date: 2023-06-26

Total items: 51 797

Available columns: id; url; title; date; time; datetime; location; description; keywords; text; tags; tags_links

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Link for download: kremlin.ru_ru

Warning: duplicate items

A significant number of items is effectively included twice in the current version of the dataset, as the same version of a speech is often posted both as “news” and as “transcript”. Consider removing transcripts (all items with transcripts in the url), or items that have the same title and date. This issue will be addressed in a future release.